January is the time for health and fitness for all magazines. All the newsstands are filled with issues that tell you how to detox, shape up, clean your house and your mind. It's an overwhelming amount of information but I especially love the stories about people who renounce something that they feel is negative for a certain period of time. Like the story in Time Out where the man gives up his cell phones (he carried at least 3 at one time) or the woman who gave up negativity. I attempted my own habit reforming about a year ago. I gave up sweets for one month. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done because I'm a sugar junkie. I like the idea of going cold turkey because you instantly become a different you. You have to look at your addiction in a different way and navigate your life around not having it. If I wanted to have cereal I would have to look at the sugar content. If it was off the charts I made another choice. Making different choices is very empowering. This month I'm going off soda. Starting today I will not drink a carbonated beverage for one month. I'm so excited to see what I'll be like without this sweet stuff.