January 31, 2007
How Late is Too Late
In NYC, having exercise classes late into the night is not foreign. People work later, get home later, workout later, eat dinner later and stay up later than most of the rest of America. Even so, who wants to workout at 8pm? We'll see. I've added 8pm classes to the schedule on Mondays and Wednesdays. pilatescoopbooklyn.com
January 28, 2007
Blog Writer M.I.A.
I missed a whole week of blogging. I have many excuses like, I've been working like crazy, it was too cold outside, etc. but I'm not going to make excuses. I'm looking for consistency in my writing and so I just have to buckle down and do it. I have plenty to discuss and share with you and so this week I will make a better effort. Coming up...exercise and diet fads, the French way of living, American Apparel, eco-chic and more.
January 19, 2007
Workout clothes for the Street
I first became interested in Lululemon 3 years ago when I shopped in the Santa Monica store. The sales people were very helpful as I tried on several pieces. They explained that the pants can be tailored to fit in-store and that all the clothes have varying levels of stretch, etc. My overall experience was great which is why I always find myself recommending them. I also like the fact that the clothes don't necessarily look like workout clothes. You can wear their stuff from the Pilates studio to the coffee shop without getting strange looks. They just arrived in New York so check them out!
January 18, 2007
A Different Me

January is the time for health and fitness for all magazines. All the newsstands are filled with issues that tell you how to detox, shape up, clean your house and your mind. It's an overwhelming amount of information but I especially love the stories about people who renounce something that they feel is negative for a certain period of time. Like the story in Time Out where the man gives up his cell phones (he carried at least 3 at one time) or the woman who gave up negativity. I attempted my own habit reforming about a year ago. I gave up sweets for one month. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done because I'm a sugar junkie. I like the idea of going cold turkey because you instantly become a different you. You have to look at your addiction in a different way and navigate your life around not having it. If I wanted to have cereal I would have to look at the sugar content. If it was off the charts I made another choice. Making different choices is very empowering. This month I'm going off soda. Starting today I will not drink a carbonated beverage for one month. I'm so excited to see what I'll be like without this sweet stuff.
January 17, 2007
Exercise or Bust
In this fast-paced city, there's always the feeling that you've never done enough. If you're not running from this place to the other you're called lazy or a couch potato. I try to fill my day with the usual suspects: work, eating, working out, friends. But I'm overrun with guilt about my exercise quota. Maybe I'm not doing enough. In a week, how many classes/workout sessions is enough? At the start of the new year I was on a roll. On Tues. Jan 2nd I took a Stretch class at 10am and a Hot Yoga class at 8pm. On Wed. Jan 3rd I took a Pilates mat class at 11am and a Yoga class right after. On Friday Jan. 5th I took Lunchtime Yoga and a Ballet class at 6pm. Not to mention all the physical work that I do while I'm teaching. Well, after that exhausting week I've been on a backslide. I've gone from doing everything to barely doing anything. I need to find balance. I get emails all the time in regards to finding balance and my advice is: if you want to accomplish your exercise goals, schedule it in. You have to make it official. And so, to this end I am scheduling myself for Yoga on Mondays and Wednesdays, Pilates on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Ballet on Fridays. Weekends off. I'll keep you posted as to my success (or failure).
January 12, 2007
My Fave Blog
One of my favorite blogs just got an upgrade. If you don't already visit The Sartorialist on a daily basis, and if you love fashion, you are missing one of the best. The simplicity of the blog is what makes it work and that's why I love it. The pictures that he captures in New York and all over the world are insightful and its great to read the comments. Check it out.
January 11, 2007
Shopping Local is Getting Easier
I am a big, no, huge fan of shopping local. Brooklyn is chock full of boutiques and services, the idea of going to Manhattan just to buy something is becoming extinct. As published in this week's New York Mag, Flight 001 (pronounced Flight 1) has a new location in Boerum Hill on Smith near Dean and Brooklyn Industries are popping up like the Gap for hipsters in every Brooklyn neighborhood. Services are also becoming more popular and convenient, not to mention more unique than Manhattan's offerings. I'll take a look at those soon. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that Prospect Heights has been getting major props as of late. Just check out this week's Look Book.
January 10, 2007
Overpriced Eggs

There are places in the city that people always rave about but when I get there it's not at all what I expect. The City Bakery is one of these places. I heard that the hot chocolate is out of this world and the croissants are melt in your mouth fabulous but my experience was completely different. I walk in and my first impression is cafeteria. I asked the counter person how it works. You can ask for breakfast items and coffee at the front or pick up plates or to go containers for lunch fare in the back. All lunch items are priced per pound, which if you're not careful, can lead to a very expensive meal. I ordered eggs and a walnut roll with coffee. Total-$8. I took my overpriced eggs to a table which was full of crumbs and old newspapers. Overall, the food was good but my eggs got cold instantly. The service was fair and the atmosphere was reminiscent of high school but older.
January 05, 2007
Good Food in a Bag
I turned my friend J onto Bertolli frozen pasta. Its the best frozen dinner you can buy. I know that yogis and pilates people are supposed to be above eating this kind of thing but when you're in a pinch and you want something good, this is what you should grab. There are several different 'flavors', my favorite being the Shrimp & Asparagus in a tomato basil sauce. My only suggestion is to add some extra frozen veggies to the pan. I usually add sugar snap peas. Check your local grocer for this wonderful gourmet frozen dinner.
Yoga by Day...

I am putting the word out around town as we're looking to bring in some yoga people during the day at pilates co-op. If you or someone you know practices or teaches Ashtanga yoga, space is available for early morning classes. If you are interested in starting a community of practitioners for early morning, mid-morning or early afternoon please contact us. We want to put our studio to good use while it is not being used for our regular Pilates classes. Send your ideas and suggestions to welcome@pilatescoopbrooklyn.com.
January 04, 2007
Pilates Co-op in Shop Local
Just saw the Park Slope Reader's Shop Local Guide. If you haven't seen it, it's a cute, pocket size guide to shopping and services in and around Park Slope. It's something you'll want to hold onto all year round especially since there's a mention of pilates co-op! You can find the guide in coffee shops and boutiques around the neighborhood.
Setting the Record Straight
I was so excited to read NY Mag's article and map of Prospect Heights. It feels good to see your neighborhood talked about in one of the city's favorite magazines but I was very disappointed to see that the entire Washington Ave. was left off their map. How could this be? Certainly there are viable businesses on Washington and beyond which are considered part of Prospect Heights. So here is my attempt to set the record straight but I need your help. Please send me the names of businesses located on Washington Ave. from Eastern Pkwy to Atlantic Ave. I will post these listings on this blog in the near future.
January 01, 2007
The Very Best New Year
This is the time where we all start thinking about what we can improve on in the new year. I was in yoga class last week and the teacher asked us not to approach our practice thinking about what's wrong with us and how we can change it but to think about what's right with us and how we can grow from it. This was very simple but extremely powerful for me because it allowed me to take class with a smile on my face. I just kept thinking, what's right with me is that I showed up for class. What's right with me is that I showed up! So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who showed up for class at pilates co-op this past year. I appreciate your effort and your body appreciates it too. Hope to see you all in this new year.
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